vineri, 19 decembrie 2014

Geopolitica azi-ESTICA

Geopolitica azi-ESTICA – 3 septembrie 2014
Preda Ovidiu via Cristi Pantelimon

About Alain de BenoistMore Posts (1)
Smaranda Dobrescu Alain de Benoist delivered this speech at “The End of the Present World: The Post-American Century and Beyond Conference”, held in Central London, UK, 12 October 2013. His final sentence described his geopolitical option: "The Sea against the Land, now it is US against the “rest of the world”, and first against the Eurasian and European continental bloc. In this sense, the collapse of the Soviet system has clarified things. There are now only two possible positions: either being on the side of the American sea power or being on the side of the Eurasian continental power. I’m with the latter."
I wonder if there is a third or a fourth position? May be this is a subjective point of view due to the influence of Benoist ideology on Eurasian doctrine.
Un Prospectiv .
Nu-s de acord cu aprecierile autorului despre Europa. Ce ar vrea acesta sa fie Europa si nu este? Sper ca nu minimizeaza pozitia Europei in ideea avansarii EurAsiei ca singura alternativa la hegemonia marii.

OK, daca am spune ca proiectul EUropean este torpilat din afara prin actionarea a tot felul de parghii anti-EUropene din interior, cred ca-i de domeniul evidentului. Dar n-as minimiza puterea EUropeana, fie aceea in varianta soft sau hard.

O analiza mai satisfacatoare ar fi evaluat o lume Europeana fara dividendele umbrelei americane in contrast cu lipsa accesului (mai mult teoretic la momentul acesta) la resursele rusesti.

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