vineri, 3 noiembrie 2017

Acesta este trumpism!

Acesta este trumpism! – 1 octombrie 2017


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October 1

This is Trumpism!
„Trump's willingness to divide, to turn every situation in which he is questioned or criticized into an "us" vs "them" is well documented by now. The 2016 election was an 18-month master class in how to divide the country for your own political gain. Trump's handling of the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, and his deliberate decision to pick a fight with (mostly black) NFL players over the national anthem illustrate that same perpetual need to divide.
That default divisiveness makes Trump different than every person who has held the office before him. For the 43 previous presidents, their ultimate goal was to find ways to remind people in the country of our common humanity, to take the high road, to appeal to our better angels. Many of them missed that mark -- often badly -- but it was always their North Star."



Trump sent 18 tweets on Puerto Rico on Saturday

In an 11-hour period beginning at 7:19 a.m. and ending at 6:46 p.m. Saturday, the President of the United States ripped off 18 -- yes, 18! -- tweets dealing with the dire situation in Puerto Rico following the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria.



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Prospectiv A-z .
Nu am personal o problema cu identitatea persoanei care a postat, doar as dori sa o intreb daca ideea creuzetului universal (cel in care natiile au fost topite) nu este un pic vremelnica. Daca raspunsul este in afirmativ, atunci lumea este bine mersi impartibila intre unii si restul. Daca nu, intampin elaborare...


Prospectiv A-z .
As adauga ca nici macar in SUA, melting pot-ul neo-roman al modernitatii prin definitie, nu prea mai tine chestia asta. Nu era chiar Hillary Clinton aceea care in plina campanie electorala impartea americanii in electoratul ei versus 'despicable'?  De fapt, pseudo-Stanga americana este aceea care a decis ca melting potul trebuie transformat intr-o miriada de minoritati--hyphenated minorities, adica African-American, Jewish-American, Gay-Ameircan, Lesbian-American, redneck-American, white-trash etc.

Trump e numai inca un simptom tardiv al unei stari de fapt.

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