vineri, 30 decembrie 2016

Pericolul unui nou razboi mondial

Pericolul unui nou razboi mondial – 18 octombrie 2016

Dinica Roman shared a link.

The Warnings of a New World War
The U.S.-Russia confrontation over Ukraine and now Syria is far more dangerous than is understood by mainstream U.S. analysts as Russia lays down clear warnings that are mostly being ignored.

La ultima intalnire televizata Trump-Clinton, a venit vorba despre Siria doar intr-una dintre intrebari si am aflat cu toti cum d-na Clinton vrea sa escaladeze conflictul cu Rusia, spre deosebire de Trump.

Rusii par a comunica restului lumii si Americii ca sunt pregatiti...



The Warnings of a New World War

In an interview with the Bild newspaper on Oct. 8, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who is known for his cautious rhetoric, described the present international situation in the following woeful terms: "unfortunately it is an illusion to…



Prospectiv A-z .
Ma intreb ce decizie va lua Obambi vis a vis pace vs. razboi din prisma sanselor REALE de castig ale lui Tump. De exemplu, el ar putea decide sa-i faca d-nei Clinton cadou un conflict gata inceput in caz ca Trump se detaseaza in sondaje...

Pe de alta parte, cum ne-am mai pus problema aici, unde-s liderii lumii? Pe de-o parte, SUA nu poate erge in nebunia asta de una singura, pe de alta, nu ma astept la slugoi ca Merkel sau prostanaci ca Hollande sa mai ridice odata vocea ca in ajun de *eliberare* a Irakului in 2003. In sensul asta, se intreaba si Dumitru Constantin la Cotidianul azi:

"În al treilea rând, este de neînţeles faptul că în marile ziare ale lumii, în cele mai importante cancelarii depe mapamond, în rândul societăţii civile şi al opiniei publice lipsesc vocile raţiunii, realismului şi înelepciunii, care să acţioneze concret pentru destindere, dezarmare şi dialog, care să promoveze înţlegerea şi compromisul în menţinerea păcii în lume. Aşa cum cred de ani buni, nu avem lideri mondiali la înălţimea complicatelor dosare şi probleme internaţionale. În schimb, nu e greu de constatat că este tot mai evidentă o acută dorinţă de război şi conflict armat.

Mi se pare de neînţeles faptul că lumea aşteaptă totul de la SUA şi de la şeful Casei Albe, liderii altor stte ale lumii dovedind o pasivitate de neînţeles, ei neimplicându-se în mod constructiv în atâtea domenii sensibile, în care un punct de vedere susţinut cu argumente sau o propunere bazată pe o bună cunoaştere a situaţiei ar avea efecte benefice. "

In sensul istoriei care rimeaza, ar trebui repetat, de oricate ori avem ocazia, teoria conform careia cele 2 razboaie mondiale au fost instigate de vorbitori de engleza care erau in crize economice similare celei de azi...


Dinica Roman



Political scientist Richard Javad Heydarian on Rodrigo Duterte, US-bashing, and the…



Dinica Roman



"I announce my separation from the United States": Duterte puts the…


.Dinica Roman Obama changes his mind on Russia
It's been quite a progression, hasn't it?

Part One: Weak, Regional, Failing

Russia is a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors — not out of strength but out of weakness.
Netherlands, 25 March 2014

But I do think it's important to keep perspective. Russia doesn't make anything. Immigrants aren't rushing to Moscow in search of opportunity. The life expectancy of the Russian male is around 60 years old. The population is shrinking. And so we have to respond with resolve in what are effectively regional challenges that Russia presents. We have to make sure that they don't escalate where suddenly nuclear weapons are back in the discussion of foreign policy. And as long as we do that, then I think history is on our side.
Economist interview, 2 August 2014

Last year, as we were doing the hard work of imposing sanctions along with our allies, as we were reinforcing our presence with frontline states, Mr. Putin's aggression it was suggested was a masterful display of strategy and strength. That's what I heard from some folks. Well, today, it is America that stands strong and united with our allies, while Russia is isolated with its economy in tatters. That's how America leads — not with bluster, but with persistent, steady resolve. (Applause.)
State of the Union Address, 20 January 2015

Part Two: Maybe not

The bottom line is, is that we think that Russia is a large important country with a military that is second only to ours, and has to be a part of the solution on the world stage, rather than part of the problem.
Washington, 18 October 2016

Part Three: Powerful, Worldwide

With respect to Russia, my principal approach to Russia has been constant since I first came into office. Russia is an important country. It is a military superpower. It has influence in the region and it has influence around the world. And in order for us to solve many big problems around the world, it is in our interest to work with Russia and obtain their cooperation.
Berlin, 17 November 2016



Obama changes his mind on Russia

It's been quite a progression, hasn't it? Part One Weak, Regional, Failing Russia is a regional power that is…


Smaranda Dobrescu


Reacţii internaţionale la anunţul lui Donald Trump privind retragerea SUA din…


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