miercuri, 29 noiembrie 2017

German army 'plans for break up of the European Union' in war game scenario

Military planners in Berlin played out a scenario in which a growing number of countries follow Britain in leaving the EU, resulting in an "increasingly disorderly" world. Reading between the lines, this tells us everything we need to know. The EU was Hitler's dream, designed to bolster German interests above all other countries. They are always up to something.I'd guess that 2040 is off by about 15 or 20 years. They say conceivable, I say inevitable.

The German army has war-gamed the break up of the European Union in study of security crises that could face the country by 2040.

Eduard Virgiliu Cred ca scenariul cel mai exersat este cel in care ii omoara pe toti ceilalti si ocupa Europa.
Nici nu trebuie sa se chinuie prea mult deoarece cred ca documentatia lasata de Hitler pentru un asemenea scenariu inca se pastreaza in arhiva.

Prospectiv A-z .
Planificare in Romania? Mai degraba viata inteligenta pe planeta Marte!

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