vineri, 24 februarie 2017

Cine e organizatorul manifestatiilor?

Cine e organizatorul manifestatiilor? – 7 februarie 2017

Smaranda Dobrescu shared a link.

Si totusi, cine organizeaza demonstratiile din fata Guvernului? Cine nascoceste sloganurile la zi, cine da formatul bannerelor, asigura tratatii gratuite la restaurantele din provincie, locuri gratuite la hoteluri, etc?



Oamenii lui Felix Tătaru sunt implicați în organizarea și popularizarea protestului

Televiziunile au prezentat imaginile cu sosirea în Bucureşti a unui grup de clujeni care vor participa la protestul din Piaţa Victoriei, preluînd imaginile de pe…


Niculae Malanca Imi doresc o actiune hotarata din partea institutiilor din subordinea guvernului sa faca lumina in tot ce a insemnat "proteste spontane".


Amza Gheorghe Cine sa daca lumina? Cei care au sechestrat lumina? Cei care ne#au furat pe ascuns libertatea?


Smaranda Dobrescu Au inceput sa mai apara in publicatii straine explicatii ale evenimentelor romanesti mai apropiate de adevar. De exemplu:

Mircea Platon

Dupa articolul din Guardian, iata ca si Times (un alt ziar pesedist ) scrie despre ce se intampla cu adevarat in Romania.
"The official successor of the Securitate is the SRI, the Romanian Intelligence Service, which serves a democratic government and isn't anywhere near as savage. It does, however, find it difficult to let go of the past. It has built up a big data base, aggregating data from various governmental agencies; its full scope is bound by secrecy, its control mechanisms unclear. SRI's reach into everyday lives has been enhanced and deepened by its co-operation with the powerful anti-corruption agency DNA. Together they tap phones and exercise preventative arrest — that is, keep high-profile suspects in detention to stop them committing similar alleged offences in the future.
Britain should start to be more careful about extradition requests
The fight against corruption is viewed as an over-arching strategic goal, designed to satisfy critics in the EU and the United States. Many of the demonstrators in Bucharest this week agree with the principle and are angry that the new government of Sorin Grindeanu has issued an edict freeing low-level bribe takers, some of whom appear to be members of his Social Democratic Party.
But their fury should be aimed elsewhere: at Romania's deep, secret state that has used the issue of corruption to settle scores with its enemies, erode basic rights and institutionalise a sinister connection between the judiciary, the secret police and the anti-corruption units. In 2015 the DNA claimed a 92 per cent conviction rate, a success many human rights organisation believe would be impossible without secret police wiretaps. The Romanian Union of Judges, meanwhile, has formally asked for the full disclosure of SRI agents working in the court and judicial system and information about SRI approval of new judges."



Romania is becoming the EU's outlaw state


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