Euroscepticismul explicat de Marine
le Pen- 4 iunie 2014
Gabriel Chircu
Oamenii incep sa inteleaga si sa-si exprime opiniile
cu mai multa fermitate. Enough is more than enough. Ziaristul german a iesit
cam sifonat din acest interviu, crezand c-o poate incurca. Germanii o iau la
vale in barometrul de respect al lumii care pricepe/cred ca sunt constienti de
asta, ca deh, sunt germani.
Un Prospectiv
SPIEGEL: The EU is a vast project for
peace. It has helped ensure 70 years without war on the Continent.
Le Pen: No. Europe is war. Economic war. It is the increase of hostilities between the countries.
Este si asta o perspectiva.
France is in this situation because the conservative Union for a Popular Movement (Sarkozy's party) and the Socialists (Hollande's party) submitted to European treaties. These treaties promote German interests quite well, but they are poor at defending France's interests.
Ei, sunt oameni si seriosi care spun ca atunci cand Franta si UK raman prea mult in urma Germaniei incepe razboiul. Care ar fi casus belli de data asta, ceva despre Ucraina?
Le Pen: Whenever I hear people utter anti-German sentiments, I say: You can't blame Germany for defending its own interests. I can't blame Ms. Merkel for saying she wants a strong euro. I place the blame with our own leaders who are not defending our interests. A strong euro is ruining our economy.
Trenul asta a plecat din statie cu mult inainte ca duduia sa se fi nascut.
SPIEGEL: Why would you say that the euro is only helping Germany?
Le Pen: For a very simple reason: It was created by Germany, for Germany.
Cam simpluta explicatia.
SPIEGEL: Do you admire Putin?
Le Pen: I have a certain admiration for Vladimir Putin because he doesn't allow decisions to be forced upon him by other countries. I think he focuses first and foremost on what is good for Russia and the Russians. As such, I have the same respect for Putin that I do for Ms. Merkel.
Interesant, se pierde ideea de comuninue, devine 'fiecare trage spuza pe turta lui.'
Le Pen: The Americans are trying to expand their influence in the world, particularly in Europe. They are defending their own interests, not ours. I am in favor of a multi-polar world in which France once again takes its position as the leader of non-aligned states, not with the US, not with Russia and not with Germany. One should strive to be neither slave nor master.
In Franta, avem un Napoleon al timpurilor noastre: "France once again takes its position as the leader of non-aligned states"
Le Pen: No. Europe is war. Economic war. It is the increase of hostilities between the countries.
Este si asta o perspectiva.
France is in this situation because the conservative Union for a Popular Movement (Sarkozy's party) and the Socialists (Hollande's party) submitted to European treaties. These treaties promote German interests quite well, but they are poor at defending France's interests.
Ei, sunt oameni si seriosi care spun ca atunci cand Franta si UK raman prea mult in urma Germaniei incepe razboiul. Care ar fi casus belli de data asta, ceva despre Ucraina?
Le Pen: Whenever I hear people utter anti-German sentiments, I say: You can't blame Germany for defending its own interests. I can't blame Ms. Merkel for saying she wants a strong euro. I place the blame with our own leaders who are not defending our interests. A strong euro is ruining our economy.
Trenul asta a plecat din statie cu mult inainte ca duduia sa se fi nascut.
SPIEGEL: Why would you say that the euro is only helping Germany?
Le Pen: For a very simple reason: It was created by Germany, for Germany.
Cam simpluta explicatia.
SPIEGEL: Do you admire Putin?
Le Pen: I have a certain admiration for Vladimir Putin because he doesn't allow decisions to be forced upon him by other countries. I think he focuses first and foremost on what is good for Russia and the Russians. As such, I have the same respect for Putin that I do for Ms. Merkel.
Interesant, se pierde ideea de comuninue, devine 'fiecare trage spuza pe turta lui.'
Le Pen: The Americans are trying to expand their influence in the world, particularly in Europe. They are defending their own interests, not ours. I am in favor of a multi-polar world in which France once again takes its position as the leader of non-aligned states, not with the US, not with Russia and not with Germany. One should strive to be neither slave nor master.
In Franta, avem un Napoleon al timpurilor noastre: "France once again takes its position as the leader of non-aligned states"
S.D D-na Le Pen a scapat de intrebarea stanjenitoare cu
imigrantii. Totusi, imi vine sa cred ca frumoasele idei ale lui Schuman despre
Europa egalilor, despre valorile Europei de care eram atat de mandri s-au mai
golit de continut mai aled dupa aceasta Criza. Parintele fondator al Europei
Unite s-a gandit la Germania, dar in termeni in care aceasta isi va pierde
posibilitatea preluarii puterii vreodata. Ceea ce a dovedit din plin Europa mai
ales sub dominatia popularilor a fost disparitia solidaritatii. Cum spune Un
Prospectiv, 'fiecare trage spuza pe turta lui.'
S.D Aceasta concluzie nu este insa valabila si pentru Romania.
Care "spuza"? Unde-i turta?
Fogarassy Paul
Eu nu voi uita niciodata oroarea aruncata de
"Lumea civilizata" asupra Yugoslaviei. Asadar, sufar cand aud de
"70 de ani fara razboi". Oare asta nu este negationism ?
Daca ii intrebi pe apuseni, ne vor spune ca de corupti ce suntem ne-am vandut tara, dar voi uita sa spuna cine a cumparat-o pe nimic, de la cine si cum ... O alta forma de negationism ?
Daca ii intrebi pe apuseni, ne vor spune ca de corupti ce suntem ne-am vandut tara, dar voi uita sa spuna cine a cumparat-o pe nimic, de la cine si cum ... O alta forma de negationism ?
G.C Este evident/si extrem de dezamagitor/ ca actuala
constructie europeana nu prea mai seamana cu ce au gandit Jacques Delors si
colegii lui acum cateva decenii...prea mult americanism?!
F.P Exista acuzatia ca
Uniunea Europeana este o constructie a multinationalelor. Doar asa imi explic
admiterea noastra in "club", doar asa imi explic abaterile de la ceea
ce noi consideram normalitate si doar asa imi explic ceea ce va urma ... pentru
ca asa cum este nu are cum sa reziste nici macar pe termen mediu.
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