miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2017

Guvernanta economica globala

Guvernanta economica globala – 2 decembrie 2016

Prospectiv A-z shared The Global Economic Governance Initiative's post.

"In contrast, the Romanian translation of neoliberalism by key policy stakeholders absorbed intellectual strands of thought that were very different due to the country's historical and geopolitical context. The local hybrid included a robust mix of anti-communist politics and structuralist economics with deep historical roots, but also increasingly intense flirtation with the contemporary US version of Austrian School economics. The battle for turning these ideas into the new normal of late postcommunism was fierce, especially as long as nationalism and organized labor were still viable social forces. But by the 2000s, the policy implications of the neoliberal script were cemented with off-script ideas and policies such as a radical libertarian flat tax system, compulsory private pensions, pro-cyclical tax cuts for the high earners and corporations as well as a clear preference for austerity packages whose extreme social unfairness was criticized by the IMF. Like in Spain, left governments tried to offer workers and the poor more social compensation, but, overall, this disembedded neoliberalism hybrid became the only game in town. Unlike in Spain, however, most of Romania's policy economists rushed to defend neoliberal orthodoxy from the international revisionist turn that followed 2008.
But contrary to expectations, greater local integration into neoliberalism's transnational diffusion networks worked to moderate local neoliberalism. In Spain's highly transnationalized economic profession and policy institutions, an individual's LSE Ph.D., MIT postdoc or long stint in OECD invited experimentation with hybrids that incorporated local traditions about social fairness or imported Nordic ideas about social-democracy. Nonetheless, such hybrids remained recognizable to the policy maker's international peers. The opposite was the case in Romania, where no important policymaker had a Western Ph.D. or any other consistent international professional socialization. Here, the result was a synthesis of mainstream neoliberal schools of thought (New Neoclassical Synthesis, supply-side economics etc.) with radical pro-market ideas culled from the likes of Austrian School economics and a local brand of conservative social philosophy. It was no surprise that when the Lehman crisis struck, the IMF's fiscal adjustment package was scorned as "socialist propaganda." Peripheral countries like Romania are more vulnerable to external pressures demanding harsh austerity and institutional reforms than are core countries like Spain. Yet, evidence also shows that the further radicalization of these reforms in Romania (and their attempted moderation in Spain) cannot be adequately understood without taking seriously the role of the neoliberal intellectual hybrids that local policymakers had built into the policy sphere over many years."



The Global Economic Governance Initiative

December 1, 2016

#GEGI's Cornel Ban publishes new article for the Institute for New Economic Thinking: "Will Trump Bring Neoliberalism's Apocalypse, or Merely a New Iteration?". Read the article here:



Will Trump Bring Neoliberalism's Apocalypse, or Merely a New Iteration?

Real existing neoliberalism as a set of social facts distinct from a purist ideology has proven remarkably adaptable and politically resilient



Dintr-o alta perspectiva, Cornel Ban constata si el cuplarea intelectuala deficitara a elitelor romanesti la cncursul de idei contemporan. Daca va uitati doar la continutul romanesc pe facebook, observati ca preluarile sunt la ordinea zilei, mai rar contributii originale si cel mai rar contributii oriiginale cu specific romanesc. 

In cazul lui Ban, el observa ca cei dela butoanele economiei romanesti sunt pe dinafara, ceea ce a condus la accentuarea neoliberalismului chiar si dupa criza de sistem a acestuia la centru. Asta in contrast cu alte tari, mai apropiate de centru/ale caror economisti sunt participanti si contribuitori la concursul de isei, unde s-a mers pe un altoi de neoliberalism cu practici socio-economice locale sau influentate de social-democratia scandinava.


Dinica Roman "Nu susținem scăderea de taxe, nu avem un proiect clar legat de restructurarea surselor la bugetul României. Nu știm cum vom reechilibra bugetul. Despre mărire nu vă pot spune ceva clar. Statul trebuie să faciliteze accesul pe piețele de capital externe și pe piețele de desfacere externe."
Cosette Chichirau, doctorat în finanțe la University of Massachusetts Amherst, candidat USR



Emanuel-Bogdan Bobic

"Nu susținem scăderea de taxe, nu avem un proiect clar legat de restructurarea surselor la bugetul României. Nu știm cum vom reechilibra bugetul. Despre mărire nu vă pot spune ceva clar. Statul trebuie să faciliteze accesul pe piețele de capital externe și pe piețele de desfacere externe."
Cosette Chichirău, doctorat în finanțe la University of Massachusetts Amherst, candidat USR


Mihai Ion Turcu Cel mai probabil vanzand repede ce mai are statul in proprietate, resurse minerale, caile fderate, uzinele electrice....


Dinica Romanhttps://www.facebook.com/vladimir.bortun/posts/644917505715657


Smaranda Dobrescu "adevărata democrație și adevărata libertate nu sunt compatibile cu capitalismul." 
La ce serveste aceasta concluzie a articolului? Exista un alt fel de organizare a societatii in care democratia si libertatea individului sunt asigurate intr-o maniera deplina?


Dinica Roman La a ne pune pe ganduri? Mai ales ca originalitatea concluziei se pierde in negura timpului.


Mihai Ion Turcu Particularitatile romanesti nu decurg din faptul ca nu avem doctorate in strainatate (si cele interne sunt dubioase) si politicienii de varf nu au capacitate pentru analize doctrinare proprii. Cum se misca politica romaneasca pe esichierul mondial este marcat de vulgaritatea aspiratiilor varfului politic romanesc. "sa ne fie noua bine ca sa nu ne fie rau"....


Prospectiv A-z .
"Particularitatile romanesti nu decurg din faptul ca nu avem doctorate in strainatate " In afara de ministra de finante a lui Ponta, cine are doctorat occidental in economie/finante la Guvern, BNR, Cotroceni samd? Argumentul lui Cornel Ban este ca acest lucru se coreleaza cu distanta dintre discursul economic romanesc post-2008 si discursurile din tari ale caror factori de decizie au fost astfel educati.

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