luni, 12 decembrie 2016

Lucrurile vor continua pe caile stiute?

Lucrurile vor continua pe caile stiute? – 10 noiembrie 2016
Dinica Roman shared Fox News's video.

Business goes on as usual? 
Lucrurile vor continua pe caile stiute?


November 10

WATCH: President Obama and President-elect Donald J. Trump talk to the press after meeting at The White House.


Prospectiv A-z .
Aviz celor care doresc SCHIMBARE!

Pe de alta parte e o lectie post-electorala pentru TOTI politicienii romani!!!


Mihai Ion Turcu Una din temele Trump este refacerea unitatii moralului matiei. Nu este o vorba este o sarcina importanta.


Dinica Roman Jeffrey Goldberg: Are you surprised?

Henry Kissinger: I thought Hillary would win.

JG: What does this mean for America's role in the world?

HK: Well, it could enable us to establish coherence between our foreign policy and our domestic situation. There is obviously a gap between the public's perception of the role of U.S. foreign policy and the elite's perception. I think the new president has an opportunity to reconcile the two. He has an opportunity, but it is up to him to seize it.

JG: Do you feel better about Trump's competence, or his seriousness?

HK: We should stop debating that question. He is the president-elect. We must give him an opportunity to develop his philosophy.

JG: Are you going to help him?

HK: I will not reach out to him, but that has been my approach to every president since I left office. If he asks me to come see him, I will.

JG: What's your biggest concern about global stability coming out of this election?

HK: That foreign countries will react with shock. That said, I would like to keep open the possibility that new dialogues could emerge. If Trump says to the American people, "This is my philosophy of foreign policy," and some of his policies are not identical to our previous policies but share their basic objectives, then continuity is possible.

JG: How is China going to react?

HK: I'm fairly confident that China's reaction will be to study its options. I suspect that will be Russia's reaction as well.

JG: Do you think Trump is a Putin apologist?

HK: No. I think he fell into certain rhetoric because Putin said some good words about him—tactically—and he felt he had to respond.

JG: You don't think that their relationship is prebaked in any way?

HK: No.

JG: So no short-term chance that Russia takes advantage of this situation?

HK: It's more likely that Putin will wait to see how the situation evolves. Russia and the United States interact in areas in which neither of us controls all the elements, such as Ukraine and Syria. It's possible that some participants in those conflicts may feel freer to take certain actions. Putin, then, will wait to see what his options are.

JG: So there is some chance of more instability.

HK: I would make a general statement: I think most of the world's foreign policy has been in suspense for six to nine months, waiting for the outcome of our election. They have just watched us undergo a domestic revolution. They will want to study it for some period. But at some point, events will necessitate decision making once more. The only exception to this rule may be nonstate groups; they may have an incentive to provoke an American reaction that undermines our global position.

JG: The threat from isis is more serious now?

HK: Nonstate groups may make the assessment that Trump will react to a terror attack in a way that suits their purposes.

JG: How will Iran respond?

HK: Iran will probably conclude—correctly—that the nuclear agreement is more fragile now than it was, but it will demonstrate great resoluteness, even in the face of pressure, while it studies Trump. No one knows much about his foreign policy, so everyone will go into a period of studying. Actually, "a frenzy of studying" is more accurate.

JG: Why do you think this happened?

HK: The Trump phenomenon is in large part a reaction of Middle America to attacks on its values by intellectual and academic communities. There are other reasons, but this is a significant one.

JG: How would you advise Trump to present himself to the world?

HK: First, to demonstrate that he is on top of known challenges. Second, to demonstrate that he is reflecting about the nature of their evolution. A president has an inescapable responsibility to provide direction: What are we trying to achieve? What are we trying to prevent? Why? To do that, he has to both analyze and reflect.

Like · Reply · November 11 at 1:44am


Steve Stejerean Unii ziceau : Schimbarea Regilor , bucuria nebunilor ! Britanicii sint cei mai mortali : The Queen is dead , long live the Quinn ! Eu personal cred in asta " God is great , beer is good , people are crazy !"


Nicolas Simion the show must go on....good morning, darling !


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