miercuri, 4 octombrie 2017

Fortele sunt egale in acest moment

Fortele sunt egale in acest moment. – 16 septembrie 2017

Costel Gilca's post.
Dinamica sanctiunilor centrului ajunge repede la o rascruce

Doar ca nu se mai poate. Forțele sunt egale in acest moment!

If the Trump administration puts sanctions on China, this would hurt America more because it just forces China and Russia and other countries to…

Prospectiv A-z .
"In the clearest signal to Beijing (and to some EU member states), the German foreign minister demanded that China should follow a "One Europe" policy – just as European countries follow the "One China" policy, which accepts China's dictum that foreign nations should not entertain diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

Beijing was not amused. "We are shocked by these statements," said the Chinese Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman. She dismissed the comparison to Taiwan by saying that "The EU is a regional organization composed of sovereign states, not a sovereign country itself." And she added, "We hope that he can clarify what he means by 'one Europe' and whether there is a consensus on 'one Europe' among EU members.""

The German foreign minister recently demanded that…

Prospectiv A-z .
"The US embassy in Beijing expressed concern to China for its decision to invite North Korea, which has escalated tensions in the region through multiple missile test-launches since US President Donald Trump assumed office in January.

However, China's foreign ministry said in a statement that it did "not understand the situation."

"The Belt and Road initiative is an open and inclusive one. We welcome all countries' delegations to attend the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation," the foreign ministry said."


Prospectiv A-z .
Cred ca optiunile Romaniei au devenit clare. Stagnare sau chiar disolutie versus... #colectiv

O veni si ziua aceea cand personaje cheie ale sistemului, ca dl. Daniel Dragomir, ne vor lumina despre optiunile tenebroase ale sfarsitului pacii americane.

Prospectiv A-z .
Circula o poveste cum ca domnilor Maniu & Bratianu li s-a soptit, prin 1943, de catre unul din handler-ii britanici (la care astia ciripeau cu stiinta si sub acoperirea lui Antonescu) ca in Romania ar trebui sa se formeze un partid comunist. Stim ce a urmat si li s-a intamplat.

Nu cumva Ponta a cazut de 2 ori (la fiecare palat) pe motiv ca incerca o strategie care sa cuprinda si Estul (China si chiar si Rusia) in ecuatia de re/dezvoltare romaneasca?

Prospectiv A-z .
Inca o dimensiune a preluarii batonului de catre China...

"The current 5-year plan deviates from the previous 12 strategic plans, which focused on domestic economic growth. The proposed Belt and Road Initiative will provide a channel through which China will facilitate its global health strategy, especially in the global south, through commercial, cultural, and personnel exchanges that will improve bilateral and multilateral regional cooperation.1

With the rapid pace of globalisation, health problems are no longer issues for a single nation. Collective action by multiple countries are necessary to combat global health crises, such as infectious diseases, lifestyle risks, and health inequity, which all span beyond one's sovereign border.2 Disease threats originating from China, such as the SARS outbreak in 2003 and the avian influenza H7N9 pandemic in 2014, could quickly affect the whole world. Similarly, China is confronted by threats from other nations; examples include the 2011 polio outbreak,3 Zika virus in 2016, and the westernisation of its traditional diet, which has led to an increased incidence of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.4 The conventional conceptualisations of protectionism and geopolitics are being challenged because determinants of health often span one's borders and a comprehensive and systematic approach is necessary to find solutions. Concerted efforts to fight chronic diseases, such as diabetes, can advance health equity and development, both nationally and globally.5

The Belt and Road Initiative also provides a common platform to improve the capability of handling regional public health emergencies through epidemic information sharing, exchange of preventive and interventional methods, and training health professionals. China has committed to provide medical assistance and emergency medical aid to Belt and Road partners, and to carry out regional cooperation and coordination in maternal and child health, disability rehabilitation, and management of major infectious diseases, including HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria.2 China agreed to increase regional cooperation in science and technology through establishing joint laboratories or research centres, international technology transfer, and knowledge translation centres."

Parca am fi din nou in preajma Planului Marshall...


Sixty years after Sputnik, we see that China, with…

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