miercuri, 3 decembrie 2014

Atentie la *independenta energetica*!

Atentie la *independenta energetica*! – 18 octombrie 2014

Big Oil, Romania, and the Amazon

By John Perkins
There is still time to sign up for my trip to Peru in December and/or Guatemala in January to experience some of this for yourself. Space is limited: http://www.johnperkins.org/trips/
Peru in December, 2014: http://www.johnperkins.org/peru-trip-december-2014/
Guatemala in January, 2015: http://www.johnperkins.org/a-journey-to-the-lands-of-the-maya-guatemala/

I’m now in Romania traveling across the country and speaking to audiences who face challenges and threats from Big Oil and other members of the corporatocracy, like so many countries around the planet. The problems the Romanians are dealing with remind me of how Latin American nations have responded to such challenges and what we all can learn from them. In the coming months I will take some of you to Peru and Guatemala where you will personally experience the power of the indigenous people and their determination to create a better world for all our children. (See more information here.)
As discussed in my last newsletter, Guatemala has shown courage in the face of Monsanto and CAFTA-DR, and other Latin American countries are showing signs of shaking off the baggage from decades of exploitation and abuse by multinational oil companies. Latin America is awakening into the Consciousness Revolution in very practical ways, though sometimes the growing pains of this revolution take a while to produce the desired results.
Money and power can corrupt any good intentions. While some governments and organizations both in the US and in Central and South America have been caught up in controversy and scandal involving oil drilling and profits, many citizens of these countries are growing more alert and more vocal about protecting the resources we still have and the future that is possible.
In Ecuador the battle between the Amazon and the corporatocracy is long and bitter. For decades the oil company Texaco (now owned by Chevron) took oil from the ground and left behind a disaster that has ruined landscapes and lives.
Ecuadorians are determined to hold Chevron accountable for the damage it has done in its pursuit of profit, and have ordered the company to pay billions of dollars to clean up the Amazon and to provide clean water and health care to the people who have been harmed by their decades of oil drilling in the region. True to form, Chevron is trying to avoid paying for the consequences of its actions, and the US is shamefully allowing it, at least for now. Men like Steven Donziger and his team of lawyers have awakened and are fighting the corporatocracy in both Ecuador and the US.
At the same time, the Ecuadorian government is tragically allowing more damage in the Amazon region. Even while Justice Minister Ledy Zuniga apologizes to the indigenous people of the Sarayaku community and their neighbors for the damage caused by oil drilling in their territory, President Rafael Correa is clearing the way for further exploitation.
In an unsuccessful bid to keep oil in the ground, the President attempted to preserve the Yasuni National Park instead of allowing oil drilling on the land – a lofty, well-intentioned goal, but one that has recently failed. An international trust fund was set up to allow other nations to participate in protecting the earth and preventing climate change by keeping this national park off limits to oil companies. It is a complex story with many twists and turns; however, in the end the fund did not succeed. Earlier this year Correa signed off to end it, and he is now promoting oil drilling in the reserve.
It is heartbreaking to see Ecuador allow oil companies to ravage the rainforest; the government’s claim that the oil industry will work differently this time and share profits with the indigenous people is a step in the right direction but still short-sighted and deceptive. Destroying our planet can benefit no one, especially not the ancient people who have called that part of the world home for so long.
As I travel in Romania, talking with the people here about the global economy and the consciousness revolution that is happening now, I see their struggle with Chevron, as well. Watch out, Romania. Chevron and giant corporations have screwed Ecuador and other Latin American countries. Learn from them and don’t let it happen to you. We in the US should make every effort to force Chevron to pay to clean up the damage it has done in Ecuador and to keep its dirty hands off of other nations’ resources.
A few brave individuals – like Steve Donziger – stand up for the environment and those who can’t speak for themselves. They may not be popular for doing so, but those of us who share their vision can stand with them. The indigenous people of the Amazon, with their intimate relationship to the earth, know that drilling for oil in the rainforest is a disastrous mistake. Let’s stand with them and with people everywhere who champion the cause of protecting the planet.
Draghi Puterity Ce s-a intamplat cu omul asta? I-am citit cartea, parea un om rational, acum pare ca o ia razna. Profetii, shamani, soarele care intra in gaura neagra din centrul galaxiei, civilizatia industriala a Europei de pe vremea lui Colomb, Romania in centrul crucii formate de lanturile muntoase, s.a.m.d. Ce e asta? O noua manipulare adaptata sensibilitatilor ezoterice ale romanilor? O agenda ascunsa sau doar aberatiile unui om care a fost terminat psihic dupa dezvaluirile pe care le-a facut?
Smaranda Dobrescu Cate ceva din toate. Inainte de a veni in Romania poate a citit ceva materiale care circula pe internet in acest sens referitor la Romania. Iata ce gasesti in Wiki ""The State Department also claims that Perkins has alleged U.S. Government complicity in "the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., former Beatle John Lennon, and several unnamed U.S. senators who had died in plane crashes.".[5] Perkins has denied ever making claims about these assassinations.[6] He has claimed that President Jaime Roldós Aguilera of Ecuador and Omar Torrijos of Panama were assassinated and the US government was involved.[6]"
Octavian Lupu Filozofia SUA privind resursele globale ale planetei este una foarte simpla: aceste resurse nu trebuie sa fie exploatate si folosite de toti sarantocii pentru ca America stie sa le valorifice mai bine. Daca intelegi acest lucru ca popor si ca stat trebuie sa fii cu ochii pe resurse si modul lor de exploatare la fel cum erau romanii inainte de 1989 cu ochii pe butelie. Si conflictul ruso-ukrainean a fost generat avand ca obiectiv pe termen lung slabirea si dezmembrarea Rusiei si stapanirea resurselor acesteia (un plan cam tampitel daca ne uitam la ceea ce se intampla azi). Filmul Avatar al lui james Cameron dincolo de aspectul Disneyland este un film antisistem care descrie alegoric procesul de preluare brutala al resurselor sarantocilor. US Marines au fost extrem de suparati pe modul in care au fost depicted in acest film. Fantezie, fantezie dar prea seamana cu realitatea. Amuzant este faptul ca fosta sotie lui Cameron a regizat un film prosistem "The Hurt Locker", cam in aceeiasi perioada cu "Avatar". Partea nasoala consta in faptul ca SUA au avatari aproape pretudindeni in lume,oriunde au un interes marcat, iar uneori sunt greu de identificat. Am sa inchei cu o replica a lui Brad Pitt dintr-un film din pacate slab, "Killing me softly": "America is not a country. It's a business".
Prospectiv FCh .
"Filozofia SUA privind resursele globale ale planetei este una foarte simpla: aceste resurse nu trebuie sa fie exploatate si folosite de toti sarantocii pentru ca America stie sa le valorifice mai bine."

Pot intelege de ce se afirma asta la Bucuresti, dar nu asa stau lucrurile. Cred ca filozofia in cauza este aceea a tranzactionarii TUTUROR resurselor pe piatza, eliminand/reducand astfel avantajul comparativ de tzara. Legat de replica personajului lui Pitt, in contextul resurselor, cred ca asa stau lucrurile: Nu SUA exploateaza resurse, ci interese private/business, care nu trebuie sa fie neaparat americane.

Acum, pot accepta discutii despre nationalitatea monedei in care tranzactionam sau locul burselor de comoditati si in/justitia acestor soiuri de aranjamente. Pot merge un pas chiar si mai departe si discuta despre efectele pietzificarii resurselor planetei--o problema foarte interesanta.
D.P  Nu era cumva vorba de filmul "Killing Them Softly"? Despre "Killing Me Softly" am cu totul alte amintiri, ceva cu Heather Graham intr-o cabana la munte cu Joseph Fiennes, ea purtand doar o "esarfa" alba, in fine...
O/L Fraza pe care o citati din comentariul meu reprezinta un crampei din conversatia pe care sotia unui mare demnitar din administratia Bush Jr. a avut-o cu dentista ei, impreuna cu alte alegatii. Cand aceasta s-a confesat unui grup de prieteni a fost supusa la tot felul de presiuni. Actualmente se ascunde undeva prin Mexic. Cand Romania vrea sa cumpere petrol trebuie sa produca Dacii si sa le exporte pentru a obtine dolari. Cand SUA vrea sa cumpere petrol tipareste pur si simplu dolari. Dupa care emit bonduri pe care le cumpara fraierii. E orma mai eleganta de rapt.
O.L  Killing Them Softly. Aveti dreptate. Melodia mi-a produs o impresie mai puternica decat filmul.
P.FCh  . "Fraza pe care o citati din comentariul meu reprezinta un crampei din conversatia pe care sotia unui mare demnitar din administratia Bush Jr. a avut-o cu dentista ei, impreuna cu alte alegatii."

Daca asa este, confirma ideea ca SUA e o tzara atat de mare incat [...] pot chiar sa se cocoate din cand in cand la Casa Alba, caz in care administratiile lor reflecta [...].

OK, dupa cum am spus, daca e sa discutam despre moneda comertului, lucrurile se schimba.
The latest ranking of business schools has just been...
Alexandru Cosmin Codreanu @ dl. Octavian Lupu
Exista o fereastra de oportunitate pentru fiecare resursa naturala. Un exemplu foarte bun este cel al cauciucului natural. Orasul Belem din Brazilia a fost primul loc unde s-a descoperit accidental cauciucul natural si a ramas pentru multa vreme epicentrul cauciucului natural in lume. Mai mult, pe fondul imbogatirii rapide a zonei, Belem a fost primul oras din Brazilia (poate chiar din America de sud) care a avut opera.

Descoperirea cauciucului sintetic a dus la o prabusire a economiei locale, bogatia orasului Belem devenind la scurta vreme istorie.

Un exemplu si mai recent este variatia interesului vis-a-vis de carbune care usor, usor este substituit in prezent de multi cu petrol. Desigur ca acest fenomen este temporar, cresterea pretului la carbune facand in curand exploatarea acestuia un domeniu de interes.

La fel probabil se va intampla si cu petrolul. Nu are rost sa pastrezi ceva care in viitor s-ar putea sa nu mai aiba valoare.

@ Prospectiv FCh
Buna observatia legata de mitologia in care se invarte in prezent dl. Perkins. Este cea mai eficienta metoda de a discredita cartea dumnealui de capatai "Confesiunile unui asasin economic".
O.L  Dle. Alexandru Cosmin Codreanu. Va apreciez punctul de vedere doar ca eu vad un scenariu putin diferit in ceea ce priveste petrolul. Tehnologia CD-urilor a fost mult timp tinuta pe loc de producatorii de discuri din vinyl pentru ca presupunea costuri masive cu inlocuirea tehnologiei vechi. Acelasi lucru si cu tehnologia autoturismelor electrice. Hibrizii nu rezolva problema. Sunt mai mult o vitrina tehnologica. Si chiar daca ar creste masiv gradul de utilizare al electricitatii pentru flotele civile raman flotele militare (auto, aparate de zbor, nave de razboi de dimensiuni medii) Nu poti sa porti razboaie cu avioane sau helicoptere electrice ca sa dau numai un exemplu. Pamantenii sunt foarte inapoiati in materie de energie. Nu stiu sa o genereze decat prin distrugere (motoare cu aprindere interna, turboreactoare, motoare racheta, etc.) De aceea eu cred ca petrolul, spre finele carierei acestuia va deveni foarte scump in primul rand din ratiuni militare. Chiar daca s-ar descoperi niste tehnologii noi de propulsie nu poti sa inlocuiesti imensele flote ale marilor puteri peste noapte mai ales daca esti angajat intr-un conflict. Ca sa nu mai vorbesc de cele ale parlitilor. In concluzie eu nu vad o inlocuire peste noapte a petrolului indiferent ce tehnologii vor fi descoperite. O imagine amuzanta a viitorului petrolului mi-a fost furnizata de o caricatura publicata in Time in perioada primei crize a petrolului: scena infatisa un beci intunecat unde pe rasteluri erau depozitate sticle acoperite de painajeni. Un ins cu o sticla in mana i-l intreaba pe soferul care se intrevede pe geamlacul beciului: Din ce an vreti sa fie benzina d-le?
D.P  Din nou despre pretzul petrolului, cu niste informatii inedite pentru mine (de ex. sub 80$ barilul frackingul nu se prea renteaza).
THE collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 had many causes. None was as basic as the fall in the price of...

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