vineri, 30 iunie 2017

Solidarizare cu Assange

Solidarizare cu Assange – 10 iunie 2017

Prospectiv A-z shared a link.

A face bine in ziua de azi nu mai poate veni in mod necesar doar forma in care am fost conditionati de faptele Parintilor. Facerea binelui se intampla si in forme actualizate. Ma intreb daca unul din facatorii binelui de azi nu este Julian Assange... Ganditi si dumneavoastra!

Assange: On a personal level I would probably get along with her [Hillary Clinton] quite well. She is a charismatic person. She is a bit of wonk - like me. A little bit awkward - like me. However, there has to be a line drawn. She decided to destroy the Libyan state. As a result, she fueled the European refugee crisis. We published a lot of her emails on how this unfolded. It seems an inescapable conclusion that she is a war criminal.

A spune adevarul despre PUTERNICII zilei este o fapta pentru care ar trebui sa ne solidarizam celor putini ca Assange.

" Assange: The American National Security Agency, the NSA, built a giant stockpile of digital weapons, but lost control of it in 2013. The NSA, though, did not inform Microsoft and other companies so that they could fix their programs, for which the NSA had attacking tools.

SPIEGEL: Do you think worse is yet to come?

Assange: There are serious questions to be asked: Did the NSA and CIA conceal the fact that they lost control over most of their cyber weapons or did they inform president Obama and his administration? Following the Edward Snowden revelations, the U.S. government promised they would not hoard these vulnerabilities but inform IT corporations so they could fix vulnerable software. It turns out that that was a lie. Another important question is: What liabilities does the NSA bear for the damage the "WannaCry" attack has caused around the world?"

A spune adevarul despre MASINARA RAULUI, cu orice cost uman, este deja de domeniul...



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Dinica Roman


June 11 at 10:43pm · 

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Dinica Roman



The Long, Lonely Road of Chelsea Manning

Her disclosure of classified documents in 2010 ushered in the age of leaks. Now, freed from prison, she talks…



Dinica Roman JJR L.A. CA 1 day ago
To any American, the take-away from Manning's act -- whether you think it right or wrong -- should be simple: Why does it take leaking, whistleblowing and other acts to fully convey to Americans what's being done in their name and with their tax dollars? You can be a patriot, support the troops, and still be disgusted and appalled by the expensive, wasteful, secretive and unconstitutional actions of our unaccountable intelligence apparatus as carried out by our underappreciated, underpaid men and women in uniform. Manning may have revealed secret information, but how else are we to know what exactly our leadership and Military strategy truly lead to as applied in the real world and on the front line? Regrettably, too many Americans will look at this story and resent Manning for leaking without ever asking who it was that made the decisions leading to the immoral, illegal, unethical, and American acts Manning ultimately revealed to the world.

Ask4JD Houston 1 day ago
Chelsea Manning's actions still cause me professional headaches to this day, in ways she did not conceive or even care about. I could care less how 'isolated' she feels. I doubt she ever read the documents that quoted me and made no effort to evaluate whether publishing emails with my name was "disclosing vital classified information". Rather, she sanctimoiously dumped everything into the public domain with not a care to that action's effects on a fellow citizen. When she apologizes and admits it was wrong to indiscriminately publish the private conversations of private citizens, then she has some standing to ask me and the nation to 'reconcile itself to what she did.'

Ross Goldbaum North Carolina 1 day ago
When the Pentagon Papers were released, I don't recall anyone obsessing about Daniel Ellsberg's gender identity. Ellsberg's intention was to expose official obfuscation about the raison d'etre and conduct of the Vietnam War. The material was released to newspaper editors who coordinated with government authorities to redact information that could endanger American lives. This is a far cry from the chaotic behavior of Manning, who randomly released a vast trove of classified information to an anonymous, anarchic entity presided over by Assange, a man actively hostile to the United States. Before the progressive left reflexively defends her, they should reflect on another unintended consequence of Wiki-leak's activities: the Trump presidency. She could have finished her tour, separated from the service, and then engaged in the free speech that every American can exercise to publicize her insights about the futility of the ongoing Afghan and Iraq wars. Instead, she seems absolutely guilty of what she was convicted of doing, and it seems very likely she risked American lives and damaged American interests in the process.

Hdb Tennessee 1 day ago
I am struck by the bravery of Chelsea Manning and by her humility. She seems not to have acted out of arrogance or anger, but out of a principled belief that people needed to know about the killing going on in their name, for questionable reasons. She was brave to come out as trans.

It is amazing that President Obama commuted her sentence. He and her loyal supporters, including Glenn Greenwald, deserve thanks.

This article tries to make a grand statement about her leaks ushering in a new era of leaks and lack of privacy. I don't think that can be pinned on Manning. She did what she was led to do, by her concern over what she was seeing where she was in the war. Whatever happened after that, on a larger scale -- that was not her choice or responsibility.


Dinica Roman m.e. wisconsin 1 day ago
Chelsea Manning's revelations helped to end the Iraq War. I wish more freedom-loving, democracy-loving people would stop being such blind authoritarians and recognize the importance of what she did. Americans are outraged that someone wanted them to learn where their own money goes, and how their own military actions affect the world. It's unbelievable.

Don Annapolis Md 1 day ago
As a retired military officer who provided mental health services to active duty troops, all I can say is that Chelsea is one of many who were identified early on as not being mentally able to cope with military life but were refused a discharge due to ignorance and lack of compassion by higher ups. I saw this kind of thing happen way too many times and typically there was some sort of bad outcome. If the Army got rid of her early on, the treasonous act never would've happened. She was ignored and our country paid a heavy price. Not to take her off the hook but this whole saga could've been avoided in my opinion.

Scott Boston 1 day ago
"A US diplomatic cable said that American troops executed at least 10 Iraqi civilians, including and infant an a 70-year old woman, and then called in an air strike to destroy the evidence."

This quote above and many other revelations that the military was covering up was released by Ms. Manning. It also included information that the US said it didn't have which was how many Iraqi civilian fatalities there were. In fact they were being counted by the US and at the time, was up to 67,000 civilians. In the context of 9/11, attacking a country that had no WMD and murder (at final count) over 500,000 civilians should give any American with a conscious pause. Manning's information gives us information to understand what we do as a country.

This and other information sheds a bright light onto the realities and indiscriminate and often unchecked actions of our military and government. Is Manning a traitor when the US military is committing illegal acts such as covering up murders?

To call Chelsea Manning a 'traitor' is lazy and unthinking.


Prospectiv A-z .
Celor din SUA, indignati de fapta lui Manning, ar trebui sa li se aminteasca cele stabilite la Nurenberg. Manning a expus crime de razboi, ramase nepedepsite pana azi. 

P.S. Mi se pare mie sau indignatii americani care-i amintesc lui Manning si suporterilor lui de juramantul militar sunt cumva aceiasi care au bagat pe gat romanilor gratierea lui Pacepa?!

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