sâmbătă, 15 august 2015

Ce economii a inregistrat Germania cu ocazia crizei din Grecia?

Ce economii a inregistrat Germania cu ocazia crizei din Grecia? – 11 august 2015
Smaranda Dobrescu

"I have long been mulling over how much money the German government has actually saved as a result of the Greek/Eurozone crisis. It has been clear that crisis-driven capital inflows into Germany have led to higher demand for government bonds. As a result prices went up and yields down. If you manage a debt stock of about 75% of GDP it seems clear that the continuous roll-over of parts of that stock and the issuance of new debt will be conducted under very favourable circumstances."

How The German Government Gained 100bn From The Greek Crisis

Henning Meyer refers to new economic evidence suggesting that the German government has saved more than 100bn Euro through the Greek crisis.

socialeurope.eu|De Henning Meyer

  Miriam Frankenfeld He certainly is right about that. However, it still does not change the fact that the umpteen Greek governments within the past decades put their country in its current position through decades of mismanagement and corruption. I truly and deeply feel sorry for all of the poor people in Greece who now have to pay the price for that.


 S.D  The fact itself it``s described by the article`s author and nobody doesn`t deny that. In the same time it`s difficult to suppose that Germany has encouraged Greece to take more and more credits. But, don`t forget that all the economic and social politicy of Greece was monitorized by Troika, using in the beginnings encouragements to make credits and further a severe austerity.. The mistakes made by Greece are known and have their importance, of course...

Mihai Ion Turcu Compromiterea prin ce sta in spatele UE a UE insasi deruteaza si micsoreaza sansele UE de a deveni ce proiecteaza sa devina. Mai devreme sau mai tarziu miscarile centripoete se vor accentua pina la autoextragerea din agregat a unor natiuni sau iata prin expulzarea altora. Poate UE sa-si permita asemenea dinamici ? Cu siguranta NU. UE nu este o entitate consolidata ceea ce face statele central, sud si vesteuropene vulnerabile si susceptibile de infeudari nedorite de natiunile noastre, Doar din intimplarea Europa n-a devenit in intregul ei pasalac otoman, deloc prin meritul sau n-a devenit Reich German nazist si iarasi nu prin meritul sau n-a devenit gubernie societica.

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