marți, 14 iunie 2016

A contesta fara moderatie

A contesta fara moderatie – 27 mai 2016

Smaranda Dobrescu

In Franta, opozitia fata de reforma Codului Muncii si ocuparea spatiilor de catre miscarea Nuit debout au confirmat refuzul unei viziuni privind politica sperantelor colective si parasirea acestora in gaura neagra electorala ce inghite ordinea sociala normala. Asistam oare in Franta si in alte multe parti la finalul unui ciclu marcat de revendicari din ce in ce mai modeste si niciodata satisfacute?
Amanarea sine die a aplicarii taxei Tobin (pe tranzactiile financiare), promisa de altfel in campania prezidentiala de catre Hollande este un exemplu tipic, desi limitele taxarii propuse si cerute cu insistenta erau minime
La noi, desi amintita uneori in programele partidelor, aceasta taxa este imediat uitata dupa alegeri, ca peste tot..



Contester sans modération

Par Pierre Rimbert (Le Monde diplomatique, mai 2016) // En France, l'opposition à la réforme du code du travail et l'occupation des places par le mouvement Nuit debout ont convergé dans le refus d'une vision étriquée de la politique :…



Alexandru Botu Bogatii cred ca li se ia, prin taxare, ceea ce aveau ca drept inalienabil, saracii accepta ca li se ia o parte din ce li se da. Cand si bogatilor li se va da ca sa li se ia, iar saracii vor avea ca drept natural ceea ce au, lucrurile se vor schimba. Adica, niciodata!...


Smaranda Dobrescu "French workers have shut down the country! More than 100,000 workers and young people protested in Paris and thousands more across the country, as workers went on a national strike against pro-business reforms that will leave many jobless and break down social rights of working people.
Motorways and bridges were blocked and flights delayed. Rolling strike by train drivers has brought disruption to regional and commuter rail services.Oil workers on strike have forced the closure of 3,000 gas stations, forcing the government to use its strategic oil reserves as a third of France's petrol stations are now running dry. Workers at nuclear plants also went on strike, causing outages at at least 11 power plants, nuclear power provides about 75% of the country's electricity.
Trade union representative Franck Barbay: "If we have to carry on, then we will. We are not pleased to have lose money but if it is to see this law overturned, then we'd have done what was right."'
teleSUR English

Poate ca socialistii de la guvernare din Franta sau din alte tari europene vor invata ceva..

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