luni, 7 noiembrie 2016

Raportul pe comert si dezvoltare 2016

Raportul pe comert si dezvoltare 2016 – 18 octombrie 2016


Dinica Roman

The Trade and Development Report (TDR) 2016: Structural transformation for inclusive and sustained growth reviews recent trends in the global economy and focuses on the policies needed to foster structural transformation.

It observes that global economic growth remains weak, growing at a rate below 2.5 per cent, and global trade slowed down dramatically to around 1.5 per cent in 2015 and 2016, compared to 7 per cent before the crisis.

The loss of dynamism in the advanced economies, combined with low commodity prices and global financial instability, is having knock-on effects on most developing countries. Developing economies will grow on average less than 4 percent this year, but with considerable variation across countries and regions: while Latin America is in recession and growth in Africa and West Asia is slowing down to around 2 per cent, East, South-East and South Asia is still growing at a rate close to 5 per cent.

Considered in a long-term perspective, most developing countries outside some Asian sub-regions have failed to significantly reduce the income gap with developed economies. The big investment push in developing regions remains one of the unfulfilled promises of the more open global economy set in place in the 1980s and 1990s; and after general growth accelerations at the beginning of the century, convergence is now losing steam with a more challenging international environment. To attain sustained and inclusive growth, countries need to adjust their policy strategies in order to advance structural transformation.

To that end, proactive industrial policies are needed to encourage the shifting of employment and resources from low-productivity agriculture to higher productivity industrial and modern services sectors. Manufacturing activities play a key role in such processes, as they create formal employment, incomes and demand, and accelerate productivity growth; this in turn further boosts incomes and demand. However, many developing countries have not been able to develop sufficiently their manufacturing sector (experiencing a "stalled industrialization") or have even endured a "premature de-industrialization" since the 1980s owing to a policy strategy centred on unilateral trade opening, financial deregulation and the retreat of the developmental State.

As important as expanding the share of manufacturing in total employment and value added is to strengthen its production and knowledge linkages to the rest of the economy, particularly the primary sector and modern services. Similarly, expanding exports of manufactures can support industrialization provided that exporting sectors have strong production and learning linkages with the rest of the economy, as it was the case in successful Asian catching-up experiences. However, export-led growth is today more difficult, due to the fallacy of composition, weaker demand in developed countries and weak productive linkages in enclave-type export-oriented activities. Therefore, countries need to combine production for global, regional and domestic markets.

Structural transformation needs high levels of investment, but the profit-investment nexus has weakened in recent times. With the 'shareholder primacy' in corporates' strategies and their increasing focus in short-term profits, corporations (especially in developed countries) have been increasingly using profits to pay dividends and to repurchase shares instead of reinvesting them in new plant and equipment, research and skill acquisition. Also in large developing economies the investment-to-profits ratio in leading firms has declined, as profits are increasingly reoriented to financial investment or repatriated by transnational corporations.

Against this background, TDR 2016 identifies some of the critical issues to be addressed in order to set in place structural transformation processes:

Industrial policy is an essential tool for all countries. It does not consist only in supporting a number of key sectors to diversify and upgrade the economy, but also in the construction of linkages and capabilities to build a production base fit for purpose in a rapidly changing world, in which flexibility and policy space are key.

Structural transformation requires a comprehensive policy approach. This includes strategic policies for international trade, pro-growth macroeconomic policies to ensure high levels of aggregate demand and a stable and competitive exchange rate and policies in support of the profits-investment nexus.

Changing corporate governance and recovering public investment are needed to reinvigorate the profit-investment nexus and spur productive investment. Taxation rules can facilitate profit reinvestment and reduce incentives for debt financing, and should also address tax erosion that hinders public investment. The financial system should provide adequate credit and liquidity to small and medium enterprises.

A strategic approach to international trade needs to address with pragmatism the choices of processes, products and markets, developing the production and learning linkages between the exporting sectors and the rest of the economy.

Successful transformative experiences have demonstrated the capacity to develop institutions and rules and norms that provide a stable framework for economic activity while being flexible to respond to specific situations. These policies and institutions generally are part of a developmental state with a stable bureaucracy, closely connected to, but independent of, the business community. | Global economy needs policy overhaul to move beyond sixth straight year of sluggish growth

The UNCTAD Trade and Development Report, says that economic slowdown in the advanced economies is the biggest drag on global growth, and that developing countries are now caught in the downdraft.



Dinica Roman Prea mult neoliberalism si libertate a capitalului, prea putin dezvoltare, oriunde in lume, nu doar in Romania.


Mihai Ion Turcu Am face mai mult daca am avea creditare,bancile nu crediteaza antreprenorii . Ar fi mai dinamic daca am avea o fiscalitate rationala si stimulativa, nu avem..


Prospectiv A-z .
Conectati observatia asta cu stirea aparuta de cateva ori aici cum ca profiturile sunt mutate in paradisuri fiscale si corporatiile fenteaza fiscul. Discutia nu mai este despre fiscalitate rationala, ci erodarea fiscalitatii dincolo de limita de sustenanta a statelor, natiilor, economiilor etc.


Mihai Ion Turcu Prospectiv A-z @In materie economica si financiara ma aflu pe margine.


Prospectiv A-z .
Nu-i nimic, suntem impreuna in exercitiul acesta prospectiv.

Smaranda Dobrescu Am retinut cateva idei importante: 1. Fara industrializare complexa nu se poate spera la o crestere importanta, De aceea este necesara trecerea centrului de greutate din agricultura spre industrie unde valoarea adaugata este mare. La noi se poarta discutiile in formula sa definim 3-4-5 produse vandabile la export pe piata UE si sa prioritizam economia adica sa dezvoltam acele ramuri. 
2.In industrie e nevoie sa se realizeze conexiuni in scopul construirii unei productiii flexibile, dupa cerintele variabile ale pietei
3.Investitiile sunt vitale cresterii. Profiturile sunt in prezent preluate de actionari intr-o proportie prea mare si nu sunt reinvestite. Pentru aceasta actiune e nevoie de ceva stimulente fiscale
4 Preocuparile decidentilor trebuiesc orientate in doua directii: politici strategice pentru stimularea comertului international si politici de crestere macroeconomica care sa asigure nivele ridicate de cerere agregata si o rata competitiva de schimb.
5 Schimbarea guvernantei corporatiste si acoperirea investitiilor publice productive.
6 bancile ar trebui sa sprijine prin credite si lichiditati IMM-urile.
In concluzie este necesar in fiecare stat realizarea unui cadru stabil al activitatii economice si a unei flexibilitati in satisfacerea nevoilor aparute. Statul e de dorit sa aibe o legislatie si o birocratie stabila dar sa fie independent de comunitatea de bussiness
Toate sugestiile facute au pornit de la constatarea cresterii economice nesatisfacatoare din ultimii ani si a volumului de comert in scadere importanta.Asadar, ideile au fost gandite sa contracareze aceste efecte.

Daca vrem sa vedem care sunt directiile noastre, perfect neintegrate in aceste recomandari, cititi va rog programele nationale propuse de premier sa le continue inca un mandat.


Prospectiv A-z .
As adauga la sumarul Smarandei de mai sus ideea cum ca toata tevatura asta neoliberala, dela Reagan/Thatcher incoace, n-a reusit sa imbunatateasca cu nimic situatia in mod fundamental, desi economii intregi s-au desfigurat in procesul de *post-modernizare*.


Smaranda Dobrescu In articol se vorbea de transformari structurale. Noi, europenii am facut reforme structurale ( ca semnificatie, cam acelasi lucru) dar care au vizat in special piata muncii si austeritatea in scopul cresterii competitivitatii. In Europa doar una-doua tari au continuat industrializarea si au facut conexiuni si productie flexibila, din pacate in detrimentul celorlalte tari carea si-au accentuat statutul de piete de desfacere. Cred ca recomandarile sunt valabile pentru tari mai dezvoltate si care sunt independente monetar.pentru noi care nici agricultura performanta nu avem, dar-mi-te industrie, mai incolo!


Prospectiv A-z .
Cat timp o lua luminii sa-i ajunga pe cei care se dau dupa coltul Palatelor in Romania? Niste papagali, unul mai infoiat decat celalalt mai ciupit. ...See More

Smaranda Dobrescu Iata cel putin doua manifestari total ostile parlamentului, deciziilor sale si presedintellui unei Camere. Devanseaza D-l presedinte niste actiuni planuite a se desfasura ceva mai incolo? Aud ca si mitingul de sustinere a lui Ciolos oscileaza ca data, ca sa mai prinda putere. Nu pot sa nu fac legatura intre aceste aspecte.


Prospectiv A-z .
Dupa ce cozile de topor premiante ale anilor '90 s-au edificat ca nu te duci la furat cu occidentul de pe o zi pe alta, le-au urmat jmekerul de Constanta si mai apoi garnitura asta jalnica pe care nu o poti pune nici macar sa stea de paza. Cei care conduc Romania acum sunt un travesti de conducatori al caror viitor e ca apa dintr-o baltoaca: La prima piatra aruncata totul se transforma in noroi. Asta este adevarat si pentru Servicii, descalificate cu momeala comerciala... de tot felul de oprisme/maiorisme/ungurenisme.


Prospectiv A-z .
Pentru cei care cred ca-s nemeritat de aspru in ceea ce afirm despre liderii de azi ai Romaniei, ii rog respectuos sa re/vada un video-clip dintr-un text al carui link este inclus mai sus:

Domnul acesta, etnic german, se cam sterge la Fundeni cu nefericitii de romani care-l inconjoara. Abia azi am vazut acest clip si mai am un singur dor, sa-l vad istorie, cu toti cei pe care i-a atins/sprijinit in politica romaneasca!


Smaranda Dobrescu A circulat multa vreme pe internet la vremea respectiva. Contele a si folosit gestul in caracterizarea personajului. Un fleac s-ar zice, dar elocvent..


Prospectiv A-z .
E genul de fleac frust care descrie succint omul. In contrast, s-a vorbit si scris atat despre casele si aroganta lui Adrian Nastase...


Prospectiv A-z .



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