marți, 14 iulie 2015

Termenii acordului Grecia -creditori

Termenii acordului Grecia-creditori – 13 iulie 2015
Smaranda Dobrescu

Greece and eurozone area reach an agreement!
"But the hard-fought political deal is only the start of yet another round of talks to hammer out the technical details of a bailout plan that could be worth up to €86bn (£61bn) for Greece.

Live Greek crisis: Tsipras could lose majority if Syriza MPs refuse to back bailout - live
There is relief and anger in Athens after the Greek prime minister agrees to deep economic reforms, including asset sales, in an attempt to get a third bailout
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In order to get these desperately needed funds, the radical left government of Alexis Tispras had to submit to draconian economic reforms that the Greek people had rejected in a referendum barely a week before.

Greece has promised to pass laws introducing controversial economic reforms by Wednesday. These include reforming the VAT system, overhauling pensions and signing up to plans that ensure immediate spending cuts in the event of breaching creditor-mandated budget targets.

Athens has also agreed to sell off state assets worth €50bn, with the proceeds earmarked for a trust fund supervised by its creditors. Half the fund will be used to recapitalise Greek banks, while the remaining €25bn will pay down Greek debts.

Tsipras did manage to win a concession that the fund should be managed from Greece, not Luxembourg, as envisaged in a German plan, but the rules will be drawn up by Greece's creditors – the troika that Tsipras vowed to throw off, but only succeeded in renaming as "the institutions".

These institutions – the European commission, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank – have also asked Athens to come up with a plan to "de-politicise" its civil service by next Monday.

In another humiliating climbdown, Athens could be forced to reverse measures it passed upon assuming power that are deemed to run counter to the bailout philosophy. Potentially, this could mean firing the government cleaners that Syriza rehired with such fanfare.

Paul Krugman, the Nobel-prize winning economist and prominent critic of austerity in Greece, said the creditors' demands on Greece "went beyond harsh into pure vindictiveness, [leading to the] complete destruction of national sovereignty [with] no hope of relief".

"It's a grotesque betrayal of everything the European project was supposed to stand for," he wrote several hours before the final deal emerged. As the talks dragged on through Monday night, "

Greece and eurozone reach agreement in bailout talks

Donald Tusk says new programme is 'all ready to go' but backlash intensifies with critics calling creditors' terms harsher than Versailles treaty|De Phillip Inman

  S.D  The dispute centred on the plan to put €50bn of Greek assets in a new fund. Merkel wanted it all used for debt repayment; Tsipras wanted a smaller fund, devoted to funding investment, to avoid national humiliation.

In the end, they fudged it - with half used to recapitalise the banks and the other half split between debt repayments and investment.

And as officials staggered into the morning light, they agreed that the Greek PM had come off worst:

"They crucified Tsipras in there," a senior eurozone official who had attended the summit remarked. "Crucified."

Iata de ce l-au dat eurogrupul afara pe Varoufakis!!!


S.D  "Alexis Tsipras a primit condiții mult mai dure pentru un nou împrumut decât cele pe care le obținuse initial de la creditorii internaționali. Conform acestui acord, Atena renunță la suveranitatea fiscală, așa cum a cerut Germania. Formula prin care se transferă puterea de decizie creditorilor este una laconică, menționează Le Monde." Atena va consulta instituțiile creditoare înainte să adopte orice proiect legislativ în domeniile de interes. Draftul va fi convenit cu acestea înaintea dezbaterii publice sau parlamentare", scrie în documentul semnat la Bruxelles, de delegația Greciei, condusă de Alexis Tsipras.
În plus, Grecia trebuie să depună garanții în valoare de 50 de miliarde de euro, reprezentând active ale statului și să își privatizeze distribuția de electricitate.
Până în 15 iulie, Parlamentul de la Atena trebuie să voteze:
-creșterea TVA (la 28 de procente, față de 23, initial)
-măsuri de reformă fiscală
-creșterea vârstei de pensionare și tăieri de pensii
-garanții pentru asigurarea independenței Institutului de Statistică
-plafonarea deficitului bugetar, conform tratatelor zonei euro.
Până în 22 iulie, grecii se obligă să:
-adopte un nou Cod Civil, care să reducă termenele și durata proceselor economice
-transpună în legislație Directiva europeană pentru rezolvarea crizelor bancare.
Alte măsuri impuse Greciei:
-reforma sistemului de pensii
-reforma legislației comerciale, conform recomandărilor OECD
-privatizarea distribuției de electricitate
-reforma legislației muncii.

- See more at:

Cum renunță Grecia la suveranitatea fiscală. Ce mai trebuie să facă Atena până miercuri

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